Seth, Shannon, Piper and Quinn Dunlop
The story of our little family and our modern day journal

Friday, January 21, 2011

Simplifying Life

We recently made the decision to disconnect our cable and I can't tell you how liberating it is.

I have never been a big television watcher. Even as a child I thought it was boring. People will ask me if I remember a certain show, and the answer is often no. Seth loves the occasional Jazz game and cooking show, but he isn't really a TV guy either. I hate paying certain bills, and cable was at the top of my list. We had basic cable and it was $70 a month. That is $840 a year. That is a lot of money.
I have never wanted my children to be couch potatoes. Childhood obesity and diabetes are a worldwide epidemic. So for $11 a month we have Netflix and watch pretty much whatever we want when we want. Piper has her videos that she loves to watch over and over.
I wouldn't say that I am cheap, but rather frugal and a minimizer of waste.
So this whole cable business has got me thinking about what else I can save on. I am obsessed about leaving lights on and letting water run. We canceled our home phone and use our cell phones instead. I took a look at our garbage bill and you can get the smaller green can which is less expensive than the bigger green can. This also forces you to recycle more. The blue can is free. You would think it was the great depression. I think I spent a bit of time with my grandma growing up, and her mentality rubbed off on me.
I just want to focus funds on more important things like vacations, trips to the salon and college funds.
I'm not sure if it is humans as a whole or just Americans, but I think it is very easy to get into the rat race of believing we need all this unnecessary crap. Stop and think about what it really costs, do you really need it, how much do you have to work to afford it, and the biggest issue of all, how much time do you have to spend away from your children to pay for it.
Is it really worth it??

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better Shannon! We have never had cable in the 9 years we have been married and we have not missed it one bit and with your calculation Jim and I have save $7,560 during those 9 years! Love you Shannon! You help me be a better mom and wife!
