Seth, Shannon, Piper and Quinn Dunlop
The story of our little family and our modern day journal

Sunday, November 11, 2012

First family sled

We took the kids to Sugar House park this morning. It has snowed like crazy. We woke up and had our buttermilk pancakes and headed to the park. Great sledding. Pipes loves eating snow. She showed Quinn how it was done. Her hands froze and we had many, many tears all the way home. Sorry Quinn you had to wear your sisters pink boots from last year. Haven't gotten around to getting you your own. You are way man enough to handle it though. Great day!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Quinn 16 months old

My baby is losing his "baby face." He looks so grown up in this photo.
I love you Quinn! 

Halloween 2012

Ahhhh Halloween. You are my favorite. I look forward to you every year. It is a particularly special holiday for our family. My great grandma Ethel May Piper, who Piper was named after, was born on Halloween. Seth and I also went on our first date on Halloween.
Piper was a pink princess and Quinn was a spider. The weather was so beautiful. Warm and sunny. We went to Piper's preschool Halloween party/parade. We met friends at Patrick and Erin's house later that afternoon for snacks and trick-or-treating at 9th and 9th. Great neighborhood in SL. All the businesses hand out candy. Piper was totally into it this year and Quinn is starting to get the gist of it. His sweet little fingers would reach into the buckets and take a piece of candy. Cutest thing you have ever seen.

Dunlop pumpkins

Quinn and I brought Piper a bagel. All the other kids were eating their trick-or-treat candy and Pipes was eating her bagel. Silly peanut!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Piper's preschool photo

This is Piper's preschool photo. Second year of preschool at the U of U CFDC program. 

This beautiful little girl was a twinkle in my eye 4 years ago. I stare at this photo and can't believe my eyes. All parents love their children. We all think they are wonderful. 
My Piper is spectacular. When she speaks I am often speechless.