Seth, Shannon, Piper and Quinn Dunlop
The story of our little family and our modern day journal

Friday, November 25, 2011

The boys first Thanksgiving

What an incredible Thanksgiving. Seth made a delicious turkey and stuffing. Wow! There was lots of good loud conversation, screaming babies, head strong preschoolers and love everywhere. I don't think we could have asked for a more perfect day. I love my family so much. I love them more and more the older I get. They are smart, opinionated, talented, fashionable, and so unique and interesting in every way. After the party died down my mom stayed behind and did all the dishes and we just talked. This was one of my favorite moments of the day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My little man

I spend every day with a bald, uncircumcised little man who farts, poops, and throws up on me continually.
He doesn't talk much, but he looks at me with his big blue eyes and melts my heart. Oh and one more thing, he keeps me up most nights.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Yesterday I had the privilege of being the nurse for this young couple having their first baby. My favorite! Young, scared and about to experience the most amazing moment of their lives. LITERALLY.
I get to share that with people and get paid to do it.
So there is a moment after you give birth where the dad usually leaves the room to go announce to the family in the waiting room that their baby has arrived. Often it is mom, grandma and baby left in the delivery room. It is such a precious moment. The grandma tells her daughter how happy and proud she is of her. It is a moment in a woman's life that you will remember forever. I'll remember it forever. Some of my favorite times with my babies have been when I am just with my mom.
Yesterday I got to witness my cute patient and her mom have this time. I looked away pretending to chart with tears in my eyes.
You start life loving your mom and thinking she is everything. You need her to survive. Then you become a teen and you go thru times when you feel she is destroying your life and think you can live without her. Then you have your own children, and this is when you need your mom more than ever. She knows more than you. Her advice is the best. I listen to her for the first time in my life and want her to tell me what to do.
My children love her and are safe with her.
Our moms won't always be around. This terrifies me more than anything.
I hit the jackpot being JWs daughter.