Seth, Shannon, Piper and Quinn Dunlop
The story of our little family and our modern day journal

Monday, March 5, 2012

A new treasure

I have a new addiction and it is 100% Patrick's fault. At least it's a good addiction. I am in love with mid-century chairs. So unfortunately these chairs are insanely expensive. These beauties are Herman Miller fiberglass bucket chairs. My brother called one of "his guys", and guess what, I got a white pair for $200. The one store in town that sells them charges $500 for each chair. On ebay they are insanely expensive as well. They need a wee bit of sanding and Penetrol. One chair looks like Frankenstein, but they will be white, glossy beauties when they are done.
In my winter funk I decided to redo our front room. Seth calls this stuff white people problems. Deciding on the right color paint and finding the furniture you want and being able to afford it.
I can't wait to finish them.
Thanks P!

1 comment:

  1. love these chairs! can't wait to see them done!
