Seth, Shannon, Piper and Quinn Dunlop
The story of our little family and our modern day journal

Monday, May 14, 2012


Last year my brother and Erin hosted Mother's Day in their backyard. Their yard is so wonderful. Tons of trees, and perfect for croquet. I think we might have it at their house every year. I better let them know.
Last year Erin and I were about to give birth, so not much croquet happened. This year however was all about croquet and mimosas.

I would make a million babies with this man!

My babies

My Piper girl

Only true men wear outfits like this. And no it's not feminine, it's European. Seth and I have this conversation over and over.

I felt lost for so long. I never knew where I belonged. Should I be a city girl or a country girl. Where will I truly be happy. The problem was I had too many options. I'm not complaining. I wasn't one of those girls who grew up saying she wanted to be a mommy. It was always a maybe.

Clarity came when my little girl was born. Ok well not immediately after, but after the postpartum settled down.
Have you felt that true calmness in your heart? Have you felt that peace in your soul when you truly know you are where you should be. I know my place in this world. I no longer wonder what if. I am satisfied thru and thru.
They gave me this incredible gift. They solved all my what ifs. They gave my life meaning that I never knew existed.
I hold them and feel so incredibly lucky for every day I get to spend with them.
Thank you Piper and Quinn.

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