Seth, Shannon, Piper and Quinn Dunlop
The story of our little family and our modern day journal

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Quinn turned 1!

I love this picture. This little man is my son. I still have to remind myself of this sometimes. Will I still be saying this when he's 18? He is so beautiful and smart and he loves ME. I am his mom. Woo Hoo!! Oh and if you ever want to make one of these little shirts with their age on it they are so easy. Piper's Quilts and Comforts sells all the fixings to make one. They will even show you how to do it.

Our baby turned 1 today. Quinn is one of the happiest babies I have ever known. He smiles non-stop. He is curious and all boy. 
We had a small party this evening, and it was lovely. My mom, Dad and Daryl, Seth's dad, Sara, P and Bears and Ronan and our good friends Deidre, Denny and of course Eli came. 
We ate great food, mostly from the Favorites Cookbook (what did I do before I discovered this book), followed by some amazing chocolate cake and naked swimming (just the kids, don't worry). 
It was a hot summer night with a cool breeze. We were surrounded by beautiful children and good people. My dad lives in Oregon and I don't get to see him often, so it was so special to have he and Daryl with us.
Every morning when I see those big blue eyes peering thru the crib I am reminded of how lucky I am to be Quinn's mom. I can't wait to pick him up and tell him how much I love him. 
We love you Quinn so much. What did we ever do without you. 
Happy first birthday my son, my love!
 I haven't been to Jolley's Pharmacy on 17th and 13th in years. OMG. They have the most amazing everything. Decorations, flowers, clothing, you name it.
Chocolate cake from what else, Favorites. It's the chocolate version of the lemon cake. It was a hit!

Favorite birthday banner from Jolley's. I have a feeling my family is going to get sick of seeing this decoration. 



Sweet Daryl


Way happy, proud parents

Dad, Daryl, P, E and Bears

Quinn was welcoming his guests

A true Dunlop. Those Dunlops love them some chocolate

Poor guy. I think he overdid it

It was Piper that started it. Next thing I knew they were having a ball.

Thanks everyone for coming to my party and for the great presents. Life is pretty great!

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