If you ever make a mistake and you want to kick yourself for being so dumb, just stop and think about this story. It will make you feel better about yourself.
I am not a gambler. I pay my bills 2 weeks early. I don't take chances. I show up early and I do what I'm told. That's my personality.
Well what the hell happened this last year Shannon? I screwed the pooch badly. I took a big risk and we lost big time.
I work for Intermountain Healthcare. I have wonderful health insurance. I only have to work part time to get benefits. I feel truly blessed to work for such an amazing company. This past November I decided to just enroll the kids and I. It was only $100 extra per month to add Seth. I absolutely hate paying for things you don't need. I run around the house turning lights off, I would never in a million years buy bottled water. I wouldn't say I'm cheap, but rather just frugal.
Seth rides his bike 10 miles a day. He has never needed to go to a doctor. He is a tough healthy young guy. This was my insane thinking.
Well Jan. 21 hit, and a shit storm of health problems hit. To make a long story short, we just got our final bill after all doctor visits, major surgery, 4 days in the hospital for a grand total of 42,000+ dollars. Holly hell.
I tried everything. I tried appealing to my health insurance company, applying for medicaid, blah blah blah. Denial, denial, denial. I have paid into the system my entire life. I have paid for thousands of people to have their babies and receive medical care. We have never asked for a dime. This made me feel better about asking for help this one time.
So Intermountain healthcare has a financial assistance program. This was our last saving grace. We had to give them every financial document conceivable. Our income was over the limit for help but because of our enormous bill, we qualified, and we qualified BIG TIME.
We found out yesterday that we qualified for an 86% discount.
Out of our $42,000+ bill we will have to pay $5600.00 and we will be paid in full.
I have literally had chest pain and been sleeping 3-4 hours a night.
It was pretty incredible that on Wednesday when we got the news I could breath and the last two nights I have slept.
I am so incredibly grateful. We have majorly been saved.
If you or anyone you know is uninsured, always go to an Intermountain Healthcare facility. They have to help people in the community financially because of the tax right offs they get from the federal government.
When you have a horrific situation happen to you like we have had, you see the beauty and you see the ugly in people.
My best friend brought me coffee and sat with me while Seth was in surgery. I hit the jackpot when we became best friends.
A doctor that took care of Seth who in my eyes is an angel, felt so bad about our insurance situation, he handed me a wad of cash to help pay for our bill. He asked that I continue to care for his patients. WOW! The ER doc that initially treated Seth at LDS Hospital, personally walked us out with his arm around us and said he wished he could take care of people like us more often. People are amazing.
Seth and I have never been on the receiving end of medical care, except for the birth of our children. It has been a very good experience.
Seth's family was and has been so incredibly supportive. Thank you!
I made a huge gamble, and it was so very stupid.
I have learned from this mistake and that is what you have to do when you screw up.
Seth is doing great. He is healing and his clotty blood is being treated and watched very closely.
We are loving life and having such a wonderful time raising these two kids together.
Funny how I was just a young girl not long ago smitten for this 17 year old boy.
I have moments all the time when I can't believe I am responsible for these two lives, and running a house. I have this wonderful person that I am doing all this with. Life is full of surprises. I am so happy it's Seth that I am encountering all these surprises with.