The site of our soon to be deck. Once we locate some money, this part can happen |
All cleared and ready for cement |
Team P and S flattened the old lady in less than an hour |
Carharts, muscles and a beard. Love my Seth |
Piper girl on her egg hunt. |
The lovely people we bought our home from 10 years ago had some seriously funky ideas. As Seth and I would say, I wonder what their thought process was with this one. They built the garage so it was literally touching the south side of the home. So that means the kids room, bathroom and our room had a hideous garage right out the window. If you opened the windows you could touch the roof. We have wanted to tear it down for years and build a new one in the obviously natural place the garage should have gone.
Building a two car garage is not cheap though. I am a firm believer that you just need to jump sometimes and go for it. So that is exactly what we did. Life without risk is so dull.
I got some bids from companies and had to play a little hard ball with them. Construction guys aren't my favorite people, (except for my brother-in-law Jason. love him tons). I told our guy we'll pay this, take it or leave it, and guess what, he took it.
So uncle PP and Seth tore the garage down Friday April 13. The kids and I were eating breakfast and heard a big boom. We looked out the window and it was as flat as a pancake. Tearing it down reminded me of the hunger games. It was covered in hornets nests, and old rusty nails. I have never parked my car in a garage. I can't wait to pull my car out next winter and have it completely dry.
This is the first home I have owned. It's certainly not like many of the amazing homes that dwell in Salt Lake, but we think it's pretty great. She's ours, and we want to make her beautiful. Over time we have drained our savings many times to do these projects. The thing I like about it is just that. We aren't mortgaging these projects. When they are done, they are done. We own them free and clear. That feels pretty good, even if we do have to eat top ramen for several months.
Anywho, we should have our garage done any day now. Our little nest will be that much better.
One of the great things about children is they drive the desire to make every aspect of our lives better. We are afterall their role models. The drive to be better and make the world a better place filters down. Piper and Quinn wouldn't know the difference right now between living in a dumpster or a home, but one day they will.